how to prevent shoe blisters


A few days ago, I bought a pair of shoes that I splurged on because they were so pretty. I wore them out to dinner the next day, and when we got home, my left foot was covered in blisters and redness. The blister on my right foot was just as bad, but it couldn't compare to the horror on my left one...I felt like all of a sudden I didn't know what to do with myself after spending money on no good shoes. Then, it hit me: maybe this is exactly what happened because there's something that you're doing wrong with your feet that allowed this agony happen in the first place.Shoe blisters are one of the most irritating foot problems that you can encounter. They are annoying because they do not always go away by themselves and they may require medical attention. However, there is a way to avoid getting them in the future, and it is by following these simple steps:



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- Be sure to get comfortable with your shoes. Wear them for a few hours on end at first before wearing them during harder activities such as basketball or running to break in the leather.- When your feet feel uncomfortable while wearing the shoes, remove them and put on other shoes instead before returning back into the ones you want to wear 3 more hours later so that you can break in their fronts too.Shoe blisters are one of the most common foot problems people deal with. No one knows for sure what causes them, but it's generally agreed that friction or moisture contribute to their formation. You could just wear a different type of shoe every day for a week, but that can get really expensive and impractical, so instead you'll learn how to prevent them!Do you know someone who has suffered from a bad case of shoe blisters? Congrats! You're just as normal as everyone else on the planet. It's a fact that more than 50% of people show signs of developing them, but luckily it's easy to prevent that painful foot condition.This blog will go through ways to prevent blisters from occurring on your feet. It'll cover the different things you can do to stop this uncomfortable pain in the process.


Merrell Men's Jungle Moc Slip-On Shoe

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This blog post includes: what causes a blister, recommendations on how to alleviate and prevent blisters, and an overview of prevention methods. Since shoes are necessary for many activities, it's important that you look after them properly as they can cause severe problems or even turn into injuries. Also, keeping your feet free of blisters is essential if you want to avoid future issues like callouses or corns.



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